American Medical Association Foundation
Over three years, I wrote video scripts to support the American Medical Association Foundation Excellence in Medicine Awards. The awards celebrated physicians who had opened hospitals in far-flung places, served the poor en masse, rode beasts of burden to deliver healthcare in Haiti, healed orphans and in general achieved professional and humanitarian feats that would rightly cause most of us to feel completely unworthy in comparison. I received nomination packets that contained CVs, letters of recommendation and, if I was lucky, pictures. I shaped a narrative for each honoree, honoring their spirit and their lifetime of achievements, all in a couple of minutes.

2013 AMA Foundation Excellence in Medicine Award winner Mark Jacobson, MD
This is one of many “Excellence in Medicine” award videos I wrote for the American Medical Association Foundation over three years.

AMA Foundation Award Recipient Robert E. Bowers, MD
Volunteering award

AMA Foundation Award Recipient Robert Simon, MD
Cave doctors

AMA Foundation Award Recipient Terrie E. Taylor, DO

AMA Foundation Award Recipient Mildred M.G. Olivier, MD, FACS
Mule/Glaucoma needs you